सोमवार, 30 जनवरी 2023

Constructing Small 3D Stick Models

Constructing Small 3D Stick Models

The Five Platonic Solids.

Before you start:

1. You will need: sticks, cutting board, cutting knife (scalpel or craft knife) and glue (I use Studio Gum rubber adhesive). I buy plain round wooden sticks 2 or 2.5 mm in diameter and either 150 or 200 mm long. They can be coloured using water colours. Some craft suppliers offer pre-coloured sticks.

2. It is important to understand how the glue works. Studio Gum works well because it remains flexible for some time after it sticks, so models can be adjusted without falling to pieces. But first the tips of the sticks need to be dipped into the glue and set aside to become tacky - which means you should be able to hold one stick, attach another to the end, and dangle it without it falling off. If it falls off, the glue has not reached the required tackiness. If you try to stick your model together too soon, the glue will not do its job. It is best to work out how many sticks you will need for the particular of part the model you are making, glue up the required sticks, and then set them aside to become tacky. Apply glue to both ends to be joined together.


04 triangular races, 04 vertices, 06 edges.

Method :

Required: 06 sticks (all one length) 

1. Make a base triangle using 03 sticks. 

2.Erect a tripod above (03 sticks brought together  at the apex).

Cube (Hexabedron)

6 square faces, 8 vertices, 12 edges.


Required: 12 sticks (all one length); 6 sticks (all √2 or 1.414 times longer). Measure the short length, then either construct geometrically or use a calculator to work out the longer length.

1. Make a base square reinforced with one √2 diagonal

2. Erect one corner opposite the base diagonal braced by two diagonals.

3. Erect the opposite corner braced again by two diagonals 

4. Complete in turn each remaining corner, comprising one corner post and two sides of the top square (3 sticks each corner). Then add the final diagonal along the top.

Note that the diagonals are in the form of a Tetrahedron.

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