मंगलवार, 31 जनवरी 2023



The five platonic solids made in card. 


Before you start:

1. A suitable weight of paper depends on the size of model that you are making 300g/m² (water colour or coloured pastel paper) gives you a very stout model, but achieving neat creases can be difficult. Probably best is heavyweight cartridge paper (200 or 220 g/m), which makes good models, can be nicely creased, and can be painted. You could even use 160 g/m² (suitable for use in photocopiers) as long as the model is not so large that it becomes flimsy I usually use a paper size no bigger than A3 to draw out the nets- using several sheets where the net is drawn out in multiple parts

2. In addition to your straight edge, pencil and compasses, you will find it useful to have two coloured pencils to distinguish between lines to be cut and lines to be scored and folded. If you do not have coloured pencils, distin guish between the two types of lines by using bold solid lines for the 'cut lines, and broken (dashed) lines for the score and fold' lines (as used here throughout in the instruction sheets).

3. You will also need a scalpel or craft knife, a cutting board, and glue (Uhu General Purpose is good).

4. Draw the construction faintly at first, then strengthen the 'cut' and 'fold' lines when you have completed the whole drawing The finished model looks best if you fold your card so that the score lines as well as the drawn construction are inside, and gives you clean surfaces for decoration.

5. If you are not experienced in scoring, practise first to work out how much pressure is needed for the scored line to fold nicely. Score too deeply and your tabs will fall off! With practice, the back of a scalpel blade works well with thick water colour paper, and the back of an old blunt knife works better on thinner card.

Net  for the Tetrahedron (The Platonic Solids of Fire)

04 triangular faces, 04 Vertices, 06 edges, Tetrahedron (2,3-fold) symmetry.

Construction drawing

Illustrations of the net drawn out on card and cut out (left), Part assembled (centre)  and the model complete (right).


1. Draw a circle centre O - (judge the position on the sheet, allowing space for top point E).

2. By eye, draw a long horizontal through the centre of the circle parallel to the bottom edge of the sheet.

3. Draw 2 arcs with the same radius from the diameter points A and B to intersect the circle above and below. The intersections above will give you points C and D.

4. To find E: either, use your straight edge to extend AC and BD to cross; or, draw arcs from C and D to cross.

5. Add tabs as shown.

6. Cut out along the solid lines: score along the dashed lines.

7. Fold upwards along the scored lines.

8. Glue carefully (tabs inside) starting with tab marked 1.

9. Clean up and decorate as you wish.

Net for the Cube (The Platonic Solid of Earth)

06 square faces, 08 vertices, 12 edges Octahedral (2, 3, 4-fold) symmetry

Construction drawing


1. Draw a horizontal in the centre of your sheet. Using your compass, mark off four equal measures (points 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Figure above) - with a bit to spare at each end; making sure also that there is room vertically for three measures plus something to spare top and bottom.

2. On points 2 and 3 draw circles with radius the 'measure'.

3. Draw the vertical through the two points where the circles intersect to give the midpoint O, as well as A and B.

Illustration of the net drawn out on card

4. Draw a circle centre O radius 02. Repeat along the horizontal between points 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 4 and 5.

5. Draw horizontal lines tangenting above and below the four circles.

 6. Mark off the corner points of the square about circle O using radius OA from points A and B. Connect the corner points and extend above and below:

7. Setting compass to the original measure, mark off corner points for the rest of the squares required (points C, D, E, E, G, H, J, K, L, M).

8. Add tabs at 45° as shown using diagonals where possible. Judge the width by eye.

9. Cut out along the solid lines score along the dashed lines Fold upwards along the scored lines.

10. Glue carefully and progressively (tabs inside). Clean up and decorate as you wish.

Illustrations of the model partially assembled (abore) and complete (below)

सोमवार, 30 जनवरी 2023

Constructing Small 3D Stick Models

Constructing Small 3D Stick Models

The Five Platonic Solids.

Before you start:

1. You will need: sticks, cutting board, cutting knife (scalpel or craft knife) and glue (I use Studio Gum rubber adhesive). I buy plain round wooden sticks 2 or 2.5 mm in diameter and either 150 or 200 mm long. They can be coloured using water colours. Some craft suppliers offer pre-coloured sticks.

2. It is important to understand how the glue works. Studio Gum works well because it remains flexible for some time after it sticks, so models can be adjusted without falling to pieces. But first the tips of the sticks need to be dipped into the glue and set aside to become tacky - which means you should be able to hold one stick, attach another to the end, and dangle it without it falling off. If it falls off, the glue has not reached the required tackiness. If you try to stick your model together too soon, the glue will not do its job. It is best to work out how many sticks you will need for the particular of part the model you are making, glue up the required sticks, and then set them aside to become tacky. Apply glue to both ends to be joined together.


04 triangular races, 04 vertices, 06 edges.

Method :

Required: 06 sticks (all one length) 

1. Make a base triangle using 03 sticks. 

2.Erect a tripod above (03 sticks brought together  at the apex).

Cube (Hexabedron)

6 square faces, 8 vertices, 12 edges.


Required: 12 sticks (all one length); 6 sticks (all √2 or 1.414 times longer). Measure the short length, then either construct geometrically or use a calculator to work out the longer length.

1. Make a base square reinforced with one √2 diagonal

2. Erect one corner opposite the base diagonal braced by two diagonals.

3. Erect the opposite corner braced again by two diagonals 

4. Complete in turn each remaining corner, comprising one corner post and two sides of the top square (3 sticks each corner). Then add the final diagonal along the top.

Note that the diagonals are in the form of a Tetrahedron.

शनिवार, 28 जनवरी 2023

Platonic solids: TETRAHEDRON


         In geometry, a Platonic solid is a convex, regular polyhedron in three-dimensional Euclidean space. Being a regular polyhedron means that the faces are congruent (identical in shape and size), regular polygons (all angles congruent and all edges congruent), and the same number of faces meet at each vertex. There are FIVE (and only five) Platonic solids:-

       Geometers have studied the Platonic solids for thousands of years. They are named for the ancient Greek philosopher Plato. who hypothesized in one of his dialogues, the Timaeus, that the classical elements were made of these regular solids.

Note. Geometer (plural Geometers) A mathematician who specializes in geometry.

Tetrahedron (Four faces) -


      A Tetrahedron is a polyhedron composed of four triangular bases, six straight edges, and four vertex corners. 

∴ A Tetrahedron is also known as a triangular pyramid.

         A tetrahedron is formed by placing three equilateral triangles at a vertex (sum of angles at vertex is 180°). It has 4 vertices, 6 edges, and 4 faces. Each face is an equilateral triangle.

Of the Platonic solids, the tetrahedron has the smallest volume for its surface and is the only one that has fewer than five faces. It is one kind of a pyramid.

शुक्रवार, 27 जनवरी 2023

मेरा दर्द तू, हमदर्द तू।


मेरा दर्द तू, हमदर्द तू । 

दौलत मेरी, मेरा कर्ज तू ।।

इक तू ही मेरा इलाज है। 

मेरा लाइलाज है मर्ज़ तू ।।

मसला है तू, तू है बहर । 

मेंरी हर ग़ज़ल का तर्ज तू ।।

मेरे दिल की है आवारगी । 

मेरी ज़िंदगी का है फर्ज तू ।।

मुतमईन हो नहीं पाया कभी ।

ख्वाबों को हकीकत में बदलने नहीं दिया तू ।।

अब क्या लिखूँ मैं। 

सच है बड़ी खुदगर्ज तू ।।

गजल में प्रयुक्त कुछ शब्दों के अर्थ -

बहर - बहुत बड़ा जलाशय, नदी या समुद्र।

मुतमईन - आश्वस्त होना।

साभार - सोशल मीडिया।

बच्चे उड़ गये अकेली चिड़िया रहती है।

 बच्चे उड़ गये अकेली चिड़िया रहती है।

बड़ी सी एक हवेली में बुढ़िया रहती है।।

ये ख़्वाब ले गये आँखों को अपने साथ-

अब अकेली काजल की डिबिया रहती है।

जिस पर बैठ कर फूले नहीं समाते थे-

कोने में धूल चढ़ी वो फटफटिया रहती है।

महक ले गया हो कोई फ़िज़ा की सारी-

और बिन फूलों की कोई बगिया रहती है।

सिमेट कर दुनिया भर का शोर ‘शेखर’-

तन्हाई की दुनिया में एक दुनिया रहती है।


बैगा चित्रकला की चित्रकार जोधइया बाई बैगा को मिला पद्मश्री सम्मान।

           अंतरराष्ट्रीय पहचान रखने वाली आदिवासी चित्रकार जोधइया बाई बैगा को पद्मश्री सम्मान से नवाजा गया है। जोधइया बाई बैगा ने विलुप्त होती बैगा चित्रकला को अपने हुनर से वैश्विक पहचान दिलाई है। मध्य प्रदेश के आदिवासी बहुल उमरिया जिले के छोटे से गांव लोढ़ा की 84 वर्षीय जोधइया बैगा की शादी करीब 14 साल की उम्र में ही हो गई थी। जब उसके पति की मृत्यु हो गई तो दो बेटों के पालन पोषण की जिम्मेदारी उन पर आ गई। मजदूरी के जो काम मिलते उसे कर वह बच्चों का पालन करने लगीं। अपने बच्चों को पालने के लिए उन्हें लकड़ी की कटाई करनी पड़ी, पत्थर भी तोड़े और शराब तक बेचनी पड़ी। हालांकि जोधईया बाई को जिंदगी में काफी परेशानियों का सामना करना पड़ा लेकिन उन्होंने हार नहीं मानी। पति के निधन के बाद उन्होंने अपने दुख को पीछे छोड़ते हुए जिंदगी में आगे बढ़ने की सोची और लोढ़ा में स्थित जनगण तस्वीर खाना से आदिवासी कला की शुरुआत कर दी। चित्रकारी सीखने के बाद जोधइया ने पहले मिट्टी, फिर कागज, लकड़ी, लौकी और तुरई पर चित्रकारी की। फिर उन्होंने रंगों की मदद से कागज पर विभिन्न तरह की आकृतियां बनानी शुरु की।

         बैगाओं के घरों की दीवारों को सुशोभित करने वाले बड़े देव और बाघासुर की छवियां कम होते देखकर जोधइया बाई ने आधुनिक रंगों से कैनवास और ड्राइंग शीट पर उसी कला को उकेरना शुरू किया। जोधइया बाई का चित्रकारी का सफर एक बार शुरू हुआ, तो नई ऊंचाइयों को छूने लगा। उनके द्वारा बनाई गई पेटिंग राज्य, राष्ट्रीय और अंतरराष्ट्रीय स्तर पर प्रदर्शित होने लगीं। इस तरह बैगा जनजाति की यह कला एक बार फिर जीवंत हो उठी। भोपाल में स्थित मध्यप्रदेश जनजातीय संग्रहालय में जोधइया बाई के नाम से एक स्थाई दीवार बनी है जिस पर उनके बनाए चित्र लगे हैं। जोधइया बाई की चित्रों के विषय भारतीय पंरपरा में देवलोक की परिकल्पना, भगवान शिव और बाघ पर आधारित हैं और पर्यावरण संरक्षण तथा वन्य जीव के महत्व को भी दिखाया गया है। बैगा जनजाति की संस्कृति पर बनाई उनकी पेंटिंग विदेशियों को खूब पसंद आती है, उनकी प्रदर्शनियां इटली, फ्रांस, इंग्लैण्ड, अमेरिका व जापान आदि देशों में लग चुकी हैं। वे शांति निकेतन विश्व भारती विश्वविद्यालय, नेशनल स्कूल ऑफ ड्रामा, आदि के कार्यक्रमों में शामिल हुईं और जनजातीय कला के लिए उन्हें कई मंचों से सम्मानित किया गया। आदिवासी समुदाय से निकलकर अंतराष्ट्रीय स्तर पर पहचान पाने वाली जोधइया बाई की जिन्दगी से प्रेरणा मिलती हैं कि अगर आप में जिद्दी हौसले हैं तो आपको कोई भी हरा नहीं सकता है।

गुरुवार, 26 जनवरी 2023

नयी चाल में ढलती हिंदी ।


समृद्धि की सूचक हिंदी 

चेतना की बोधक हिंदी 

प्रेरणा की उत्प्रेरक हिंदी 

संस्कृतियों की संयोजक हिंदी 

नयी चाल में ढलती हिंदी।

सहिष्णुता की जननी हिंदी 

तारत्यता की संर्वाधक हिंदी 

परिवर्तन को प्रोत्साहित करती 

दुःखों को हर दम हस्ती हिंदी 

नयी चाल में ढलती हिंदी ।

सबको संग ले चलने वाली 

जीवन को ढंग देने वाली 

हृदय को बल देने वाली 

विविध विचारों की प्रांगण हिंदी 

नयी चाल में ढलती हिंदी ।

विभिन्नताओं में एकता हिंदी 

भाषाओं को एक डोर में बांधती 

दुलारती सबको, पुचकारती हिंदी 

इतराती हिंदी, इठलाती हिंदी 

नयी चाल में ढलती हिंदी

परंपराओं की वाहक, संवेदनाओ को संभालती 

नये दौर में, नये वक्त में, 

जीवन को दिशा देती हिंदी 

तमाम विडंबनाओं के मध्य, 

अग्रगामी हिंदी, अग्रसर हिंदी 

नयी चाल में ढलती हिंदी

संभावनाओं को गढ़ने वाली 

आशाओं को पनपाती 

हताशाओं को मारने वाली 

नयी चुनौतियों को स्वीकारती 

सवल हिंदी, प्रबल हिंदी, सक्षम हिंदी, समर्थ हिंदी 

नयी चाल में ढलती हिंदी।

चमत्कारी हिंदी, मनोहारी हिंदी 

दुलारी हिंदी, फुलवारी हिंदी 

जीवन-रस से परिपूर्ण 

भाषा और साहित्य संपूर्ण 

वैश्विकता का पाठ पढ़ाती 

नयी चाल में ढलती हिंदी।

तु भी हिंदी, मैं भी हिंदी, हम हैं हिंदी, सब है हिंदी 

क्योंकि हिंदी है करुणा की बिंदी 

सहमति हिंदी, स्वरूप भी हिंदी 

कामना भी हिंदी, शुभकामना भी हिंदी 

जमाना भी हिंदी, तराना भी हिंदी 

नये चाल में ढलती हिंदी ।

कभी-कभी है कुपित हिंदी, कहीं-कहीं है व्यथित हिंदी 

नियतों के मकड़जाल से, कभी-कभी है दुषित हिंदी 

फिर भी रखती है संयम, क्योंकि बड़ी है त्वरित हिंदी 

तुम्हारी आकांक्षाओं से आगे, सदैव है शीर्षस्थ हिंदी 

नये चाल में ढलती हिंदी ।

सभी भाषाओं को जोडने वाली 

वैश्विक पहुँच बनाने वाली 

सबकी स्वीकारोक्ति प्राप्त करती 

सभी संदेहों को समाप्त करती 

सर्वत्र है व्याप्त हिंदी 

नयी चाल में ढलती हिंदी।

द्वेष को मिटाने वाली, राग को फैलानी वाली 

विश्व बंधुत्व बढ़ाने वाली, समता को लाने वाली 

प्रगाढ़ हिंदी, अपरंपार हिंदी 

बदलते परिवेश में, सकारात्मक व्यापार हिंदी 

नची चाल में ढलती हिंदी।

सदानंद कुमार चौधरी


Product Photography & Story Telling.

 SUBJECT AIM:- The aim of the course is to introduce to

Art of visual concept development through digital tools.


Knowledge Process of capturing, representation and preservation through lenses. (लेंस के माध्यम से कैप्चरिंग, प्रतिनिधित्व और संरक्षण की प्रक्रिया।)

Skill To acquire skills in wide range of photography followed by the post production processes. (पोस्ट प्रोडक्शन प्रक्रियाओं के बाद फोटोग्राफी की विस्तृत श्रृंखला में कौशल हासिल करना।)

Synthesis Building capability to take the gained knowledge of photography in other areas of creativity.

Topic / Content

“Frame” in  photography  and its  relevance


  • The concept of the  frame choice behind  framing an image, and  the parameters necessary  in building up an image.

  • Thematic unity and harmony (विषयगत एकता और सद्भाव)

What is Photography ?

Photography is Art created by Light!

         The word photography comes from two ancient Greek words: photo, for "light," and graph, for "drawing." Therefore, a literal translation of Photography is Drawing with light. When a photograph is made, light or some other form of radiant energy, such as an X- ray, is used to record a picture of an object or scene on a light-sensitive surface.

An Photograph Can be considered both art and a science. 
(एक फोटोग्राफ को कला और विज्ञान दोनों माना जा सकता है।)

  • Photography is a science, because there are basic principles of physics that govern success

  • Photography is art because its beauty is subjective (फोटोग्राफी कला है क्योंकि इसकी सुंदरता व्यक्तिपरक है।)

How was Photography began ? 
(फोटोग्राफी की शुरुआत कैसे हुई ?)

         Leonardo Da Vinci, a very famous Renaissance artist and inventor, is credited with creating the first camera. Da Vinci’s “Camera Obscura” was a large room completely sealed from light except for a very small hole in one wall. An image of the outside world, houses, trees, and even people could be projected, upside down and reversed right-to-left, onto a wall or white screen placed opposite the opening. 

Pinhole camera

        A pinhole camera is a simple camera without a lens but with a    tiny aperture (the so-called pinhole)-effectively a light-proof box with a small hole in one side. Light from a scene passes through the aperture and projects an inverted image on the opposite side of the box, which is known as the  camera Obscura effect. The size of the images depends on the distance between the object and the pinhole.                    

Source:-  Wikipedia. 

Pinhole camera

The first photograph was Taken by Joseph nicéphore niépce in France. in 1826, on a bitumen-coated aluminum plate.

Photography Goes Public.

          In the 1880s the American George Eastman put flexible roll film on the market, and in 1889 he introduced the first Kodak camera with the slogan, “You press the button, we do the rest.”  or "You can do it yourself."

Types of Cameras: 

Point and Shoot Camera

      Point and Shoot Cameras are a view finder-type camera with added focus abilities that make it an ideal cameras for vacation and travel snapshots. Point-and-shoot cameras are a very simple, straightforward way of recording imagery and do not allow the photographer as much freedom in decision-making as the SLR camera. 

Point and Shoot Camera

The SLR (Single Lens Reflex) Film Camera

     In an SLR camera, light passing through the lens is reflected by a mirror and brought to focus on a ground glass. The mirror causes a reversal of the image seen, but a special device called a pent prism flips the image so that it is recorded upright on the film negatives.

Single Lens Reflex

Digital SLR Camera

      Digital SLR are very similar to film SLR cameras They have the same settings but instead of recording your image on film, the light hits a light sensitive electronic board that processes the image and stores it on your memory card. 

Digital SLR Camera 

Mirror less camera

      As the name suggests, mirrorless cameras capture images without using a mirror in the camera body. This is different from DSLR cameras, which reflect images into viewfinders via mirrors. Instead, mirrorless cameras often use Electronic View Finders (EVF) to display images digitally. 

Mirror less camera 

Uses of proper frame in photography.

Hey Chathi Maiya.





Tiny Earth.

Better Photography📸


"जैसा दिखता है वैसा शूट ना करे
बल्कि जैसा महसूस हो वैसा शूट करे"


"The Best Camera Is the one that's with you"

"सबसे अच्छा कैमरा वह है जो आपके पास है"
-Chase Jarvis

बुधवार, 25 जनवरी 2023

Craft Workshop (The craft selected by us is Manjusha Art)


To train students with the skills of craft and its implication in product development.

To develop a mutual respect about the crafts and craftsperson.

To impart the material knowledge about the craft and its resources.

To allow students to interact with the artisans and understand the semiotics and communication.

To be sensitive towards the issues related to sustainability in the craft areas

To train students about the rich heritage of Indian craft and its impact.



To acquire knowledge of tools and techniques involved in process of creating samples of selected craft cluster.


Acquiring skill set of available craft during workshop for further practice.

Develop ability to understand properties/behavior of material while working with craft

Skill to articulate the sustainability issues in the craft studies


Acquiring traditional methods of making artifacts and understanding behavior of material


     Manjusha Art is folk art of Ang region which is based on Folklore of Bihula-Bishari. Ang region in modern era known as Bhagalpur. It is one of the popular art form of Bihar.

What is Manjusha ?

       The name Manjusa is also associated with an elaborate story, a goddess and also a festival celebrated in Bhagalpur. The Sanskrit word "Manjusa" means a box and Manjusas are temple shaped boxes, made of bamboo, Jute-Straw and Paper inside which the devotees keep their ceremonial materials. These boxes are however illustrated with paintings that tell a tale. The tale is that of Bihula who saved her husband from the deity's wrath and a snake-bite and also of Bishahari or Mansa, the snake goddess known for her anger when displeased but also her fierce protectiveness when propitiated.

Characteristic of Manjusha Art

1. Three colors used in Manjusha Art.

2. In Manjusha Art Borders are very Important.

3. Manjusha Art is a Line drawing Art.

4. Manjusha Art is a Folk Art.

5. Manjusha Art is a Scroll Painting.

6. Manjusha Art is completely based on folklore of Bihula-Bishari.

7. In Manjusha Art Characters are displayed as X letter of English Alphabets.

8. Major Motifs of Manjusha Art - Snake, Champa Flower, Sun, Moon, Elephant, Turtle, Fish, Maina Bird, Lotus, Flower, Kalash Pot, Arrow Bow, ShivLing, Tree, etc.

9. Major Characters of Manjusha Art - Lord Shiva, Mansa DeVi (Bishari), Bihula, Bala Lakhendar, Hanuman, Chand Saudagar, etc.

10. Borders in Manjusha Art - Belpatr, Lehariya, Triangle, Mokha, Snakes.

11.Manjusha Art portrays cultural essence and rituals of Ang region.

12.In Manjusha Art borders are very important, every painting must contains one or more border Manjusha art is very vibrant and eye catching design & Colours.

History of Manjusha Art.

       This art was earlier done by only two familes the Kumbhakar caste and the Malakar caste. The Kumbhakar caste used to make the pots on which the manjusa art is painted and worshipped during the festival. The Malakar caste makes the actual "manjushas" and paint the manjusa art on this strucutres. There is another caste called the Kashira caste, they used to make the pots out of "peetal"/brass. There are only two families left who still practice this art.

      Earlier the Pandit family Cheddhi and Basant Pandit used to make the manjusa art for the temple, for this service all their expenses were taken care of by the village.

        This art has been prevalent in Bhagalpur for a long time but between 1931-48, it was brought to the forefront. In this period during the British rule, an ICS officer by name W.G. Archer and his wife started finding out more about Madhubani painting and Manjusha art.

       He fell in love with the art form. W.G. Archer put a collection together of Manjusa art and had an exhibition in The India Office Library in London which became part of the Archer Collection. It was at this time that Manjusa art gained international recognition. But at that time due to the British rule the artisans could not flourish. After this golden period, Manjusa art seemed to be fading away in the background and was being practiced only by some people. In 1984 the Bihar government made an initiative called "Jansampoorna Vibagh" in which they went to the villages of Bhagalpur and showed them slideshows of Manjusa art and educated people about this traditional art form in the hope of reviving it.

Colours in Manjusha Art.

Colour in Manjusha Art

Significance of Colors

Pink - Offering (Care, Relation, Victory)

Green - Happiness (Nature & Health, Dark green associated with Financial Businesses)

Yellow - Prosperity (Joy, Young, Fun, Happy Feelings, Confidence, Boost enthusiasm, Optimism) Also for cultural and Vedic Progress.

Impact of Manjusha Art Colors on Human Life/Mood

Pink - Increase Energy, Pulse, Blood Circulation. It gives peace, relaxation, and satisfaction. Pink color reducese erratic disorders.

Green - Mental & Physical Relaxation, Out from depression, nervousness and anxiety.

Yellow - Improve Nervous System, Memory and concentration. Enhance Communication.

Background:-  Most of Paintings created on white Background.

Basic Motifs in Manjusha Art.

       Motifs are basic figures and objects used in this Art form, as we know Manjusha Art have some different techniques and traditions to represent the character. Like Men & Women are represents in the form of 'X' character. Motifs are building blocks of any art, it convey how to illustrate any art form in its native style.

      Some Popular Motifs of Manjusha Art:-

     Men, Women, Horse, Kalash/Pot Leafs, Plants, Flora & Fauna of Ang Region, Lord Shiva, Lord Ganesha, Peacock, Ship, Manjusha, Shivling, Sun, Champa Flower, Fish, Elephant, Maina Bird, Turtle, Snake etc.


      Manjusha Art and Madhubani Art both are the famous art form of Bihar.

 These are the some basic differences -


Manjusha Paintings

Portrayal of Bihula taking the body of Bala Lakhendra on a boat, covered with manjusha (Courtesy: Bihar Museum; artist: Ulupi Kumari)

Wedding of bihula.

Mansha Sister.

Birth of Bala Lakhendra and Bihula

Birth of Bala Lakhendra

shiv and Mansa Puja

Samundra Manthan on manjusha painting

Chandradhar Soudagar going for his business.

Manasa Devi is worshipped in the entire world.

Samundra Manthan on manjusha painting

Mansha Devi

Shiv jee ka bishpaan.

Shivaji bathing in Sona Dah, And Origin of five lotuses. 

City tour of Chandradhar Saudagar.

Chandradhar Saudagar worships Mansa Devi with his left hand.

Manjusha Painting Motif.

Manjusha Painting Motif.

Jal-Jiwan Hariyali on Manjusha Painting.

Manjusha ki kahani -1.

Manjusha ki kahani -2.

Chath Puja in Manjusha painting

Samundra Manthan and all ratna