शुक्रवार, 5 अप्रैल 2024

One Word Substitution. (एक शब्द प्रतिस्थापन)


One Word Substitution

1. A Place Where Animals Are Slaughtered For The Market

👉Abattoir (कसाईखाना)


2. Shortening Something By Omitting Parts Of It

👉Abbreviation (संक्षिप्त)


3. To Give Up A Throne Voluntarily

👉 Abdicate( त्यागना)


4. Voluntary Giving Up Of Throne In Favour Of Someone

👉Abdication (त्याग)


5. Do Away With

👉 Abolish (समाप्त करना)


6. The Original Inhabitants Of A Country

👉 Aborigines (मुलनिवासी)


7. An Edition A Book In Which It Has Been Condensed

👉Abridged (संगृहीत)


8. To Do Away With Rules

👉Abrogate (अभिनिषेध करना)


9. Move Faster

👉Accelerate (में तेजी लाने के)


10. Which Can Be Approached

👉Accessible( सुलभ)


11. To Accustom Oneself In New Climate

👉Acclimatize (जलवायु का अभ्यस्त बनाना)


12. A Partner In Crime

👉Accomplice (साथी)


13. Responsible For One's Actions

👉Accountable (उत्तरदायी)


14. Make Oneself Familiar With A Person Or A Thing

👉Acquaint (परिचित)


15. The Act Of Freeing A Person From A Charge By Verdict

👉Acquittal (दोषमुक्ति)


16. Someone Versed In The Interpretation Of Numerical Data

👉Actuary (मुंशी)


17. A Substance That Can Stick Or Cause Sticking

👉Adhesive (गोंद)


18. The Period Between The Beginning Of Puberty And Adulthood

👉 Adolescence (किशोरावस्था)


19. To Falsify A Thing By Admixture Or Baser Ingredients

👉Adulteration (मिलावट)


20. Person Who Pilots Or Travels In A Balloon Airship Or Other Aircraft

👉Aeronaut (वायु-यान चलानेवाला)


21. Science Of Flight Of Aeroplanes

👉 Aeronautics (एयरोनॉटिक्स)


22. Fear Of Height

👉Aerophobia (ऊंचाई का डर)


23. A Person Who Claims To Have a Great Love For Understanding What Is Beautiful In Nature, Art Etc

👉 Aesthete (सौंदर्य-विज्ञान का मतावलंबी)


24. A List Of Headings Of The Business To Be Transacted At A Meeting

👉 Agenda (कार्यसूची)


25. To Increase The Gravity Of An Offence Or The Intensity Of A Disease

👉Aggravate (छेड़ना)

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