बुधवार, 1 फ़रवरी 2023

Technical drawing inputs (orthographic view)

         Technical drawing, drafting, or drawing is the act and discipline of composing drawings that visually communicate how something functions or is constructed. Technical drawing is essential for sharing ideas in industry and engineering.

Orthographic Projection

      An orthographic projection represents a 3D object by using several 2D views of the object. Orthographic drawings are also known as multi-views. The most commonly used views are the top, front, and right side. You can imagine it as positioning yourself directly in front, above, or to the right of an object and drawing only what you can see.


         What happens when you need to show something that can’t be seen? For example, how would you show in your drawings that the box is hollow if you had an open container? Engineers and designers use hidden lines to show parts of an object that can’t be seen directly in a specific view. Invisible lines are characterized as dashed lines (rather than solid). Look at the orthographic drawing of a dollhouse couch below: where are hidden lines being used, and what parts of the sofa are they showing?

         In this case, the hidden lines show the outline of the couch cushion, making clear that the space directly behind the armrest portion is just air. Invisible lines allow for more clarity and make it easier to envision the depth, height, or angles of different parts of an object.


        Make sure the length and width of everything in your views match! For example, if you are making an orthographic drawing of an armchair, you want the width of and between the armrests to match in both the top and front views. You can sketch guiding lines between the views to help do this.
Before drawing any detail, sketch boxes for each view first (ensuring that they match correctly in height, width, and depth). Then “carve” the box to include the details of the object you are drawing.
If you draw a line representing an angle or feature on the 3D version of the object you are sketching, then you should do the same for the orthographic view.

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