मंगलवार, 14 फ़रवरी 2023

Net for the Truncated Tetrahedron.

Net for the Truncated Tetrahedron: 

08 faces (04 triangles, 04 hexagons), 12 vertices, 18 edges. Tetrahedral (2, 3-fold) symmetry.

Construction drawing


1. The whole construction is drawn using the same radius throughout. Draw a circle centre O' radius O'A. Mark off points B, C, D, E and F on the circle by walking the radius round. You should come back exactly to A from F Draw arcs from E and F to find G; and from to complete the construction. D and E to find second circle centre O२.

2. Draw second circle from O२ which will pass through points D and E. Walk the radius round the circle to find points H, J, K and L Check that you return exactly to E from L Draw ares from D and H to find M, and from Hand J to find third circle centre O३.

3. Draw third circle centred on O३, and walk radius round as before. Draw arcs as before to find Q, and fourth centre O4.

4. Follow the same process for the fourth circle to complete the construction.

5. Add tabs and mark the cut and fold lines as shown. Cut out along the solid lines: score along the dashed lines. Fold upwards along the scored lines. Glue carefully and progressively (tabs inside)-one or two tabs at a time. Clean up and decorate as you wish.👍

 Illustrations of the net drawn out on card and cut out (top); the model partially assembled and complete (left and middle); and a coloured version (right).

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