बुधवार, 1 मार्च 2023

DDC Assignment Brief.

 Mid-Term Assessment Assignment Brief.


 1a. Learning diary. (Digital on A-4 Size) in PDF format.

 1b. Students may create a symmetrical object with a curve shape on it;

 e.g., Candle Stand or Coke bottle, Chain, labyrinth pattern (भूलभुलैया पैटर्न), ETC.


 2. Students may create a logo for an event or company or brand and seamless patterns with colorways.

Seamless patterns illustrator.

seamless patterns with colorways.

3. Cartoon Character Based on Classroom activity.



 1a. Learning diary (Digital on A-4 Size) in PDF format.

 1b. Students may create different types of shapes and patterns using the drawing tools and fill it with various different types of swatches (नमूना).


 2. Develop different types of elements using geometrical shapes and use transformations tools to create intricate patterns with seamless patterns with colorways.

3. Poster Design Based on Classroom activity.

30 Marks


Knowledge: 9

Skill: 12

Synthesis (संकलन): 6

Professional Conduct: 3

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