सोमवार, 6 मार्च 2023

Assignment Brief.


Mid-Term/Mid-Module Assessment.

Detailed Assignment Brief:-

1) Learning Diary.

2) Geometrical analysis of Natural and man-made objects.

2) Freehand orthographic projection and isometric views of 04 objects from their core/respective disciplines.

Type of Submission/Deliverables in A-4/A-3 size in LD with freehand sketches/images/illustrations in only A-3 Size.


Mid-Term/Mid-Module Assessment

Detailed Assignment Brief: Type of Submission/Deliverables.

1) Learning Diary.

2) Geometrical analysis of artifact (शिल्पकृति) from the craft sector.

3) Freehand orthographic projection and isometric Views of 04 objects from their core/respective disciplines.

Type of Submission/Deliverables in A-4/A-3 size in LD with freehand sketches/images/illustrations in only A-3 Size.

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