Teachers Day Invitation. |
...कुछ चीजें जिंदगी में कुछ खास महत्व नहीं रखते लेकिन जब वह किसी दूसरे की जिंदगी में प्रवेश करते हैं तो वह अमूल्य बन जाते हैं, चाहे वह तोहफा हो या किसी के द्वारा कहे गए कुछ शब्द। एक इंसान इसे पाकर स्वं को ऐसा महसूस करता है कि उसे दुनिया की सारी खुशी प्राप्त हो गई है।
इस लेख में हम अपनी बातें नहीं बल्कि उन छात्रों के कुछ शब्दों को आप सभी के बीच साझा कर रहे हैं जो की मुझे हमेशा अपने आप को बेहतर करने के लिए प्रेरित करते रहते हैं।
Dear Sir,
DDC(Digital Design and Communication), it is a completely new thing to me and I little poor with these digital things, I always wanted to learn this but somehow not get the opportunity. When it came to my assignment I thought I was not able to do it and got ZERO(0) marks. But how can it be possible when you are there for me.
Not in the class also after class you helped me, encourage me and thought me as a little kid. Now I am easily able to do it.
Thank you very-very much for your support, guidance and everything
It means a lot to me.☺
To Bishwajeet sir.
Sir I really like your class, .... Like I actually took a your long break in painting for about 4 yrs for my personal reason.
Even here I need doing it again I was not feel good about my work But right now its getting better I really like painting and the way you try to keep a smile in your face every time its so nice. I really like the way you talk to students.
With love
Dear Bishwajith sir,
Sir you'r a very talented person I have to say this your work are astonishing. I wanted to paint like you. you have always inspired me to work hard and try our best. I have learned so much from you. Sir your understanding and friendly and patient when you teach. Greatful to have a teacher like you.
with respect
Thank you for being a beacon of knowledge and guiding me through the maze of learning and for fulfilling our expectations. I like how you make efforts for making learning fun and engaging. Your creative teaching mothods and constant encouragement have inspired us to reach for our dream. We appreciate all the time and effort you invest in our education
With Kind Regards
Debabrata Barai
Bishwajeet sir
I am writing to express my gratitude for the amazing impact you had on my learning. you inspired me for learning and made me fell like I could ask you anything.
I am very greatful for having teacher like you in my life.
Dear Sir,
Just a little card to say a big thank you for giving each of us your personal attention in our drawing classes. You have no idea how your life story and your struggles that you shared with us has made a life-changing impact on us.
Your attitude as every day with your dedication towards art.
FOREVER --------
With kind Regards
Fairy Jain
Respected Bishwajeet Sir,
Its been approximately 2 months since You're teaching us. there was this one day where we had acrylic painting session in our class on a canvas paper. I sketching a painting and showed it to you. Then you gave me some suggestion on how to modify it, So that it become more creative and inspirational. I did the required changes and it turned out to be really good. It was appreciated by many people. It was my first time of using acrylic paint that turned to be so well. I really appreciated these Qualitius of Yours.
-Ayushi Agrawal
Dear Sir,
I wanted to take a moment to express my heart felt gratitude for your guidance and encouragement in drawing Your dedication for art & passion to teach has truly inspired me. I have learned so much under am your guidance & I truly grateful for That
Warmest Regards
Ausaf FP3
Dear Biswajeet Sir,
I wanted to express my sincere appreciation drawing for your role as our drawing teacher and the positive impact you've had on our learning Journey.
Our first class with you as our drawing teacher was memorable and fun. Your introduction along with the story of how, you landed in NIFT Patna, set a welcoming tone that ease. at instantly put us at ease.
Throughout our time in your class, whenever we found ourselves confused during class activities you were always there to guide and assist us. your patience and willingness to help us learn did not go unnoticed.
yours extensive knowledge in your field, combined with your patience, hard work, and skill ful teaching, have been instrumental in our development as students. Your dedication to your craft is truly inspiring.
I um genuinely eager to continue learning from you are in the further Years of college. Your guidance and expertise invaluable, and I look forward to the knowledge and skills I will gain under your mentorship.
Warm regards
Respected Biswajeet Sir,
I met you is our first drawing class. As I think I'm good at painting. But I'm not very good at sketching. I don't have good shading Skills and in sketching is not very fine too. For me, that is a huge Blaesing that you are shading with me your knowledge of sketching and shading you taught me Basic thins of sketching and shading, that I like most. Everyday I came to drawing class and now that I'll something new. You always give response to my artwork and you appreciate that, Something I like the most about you. I'm very tankful that I have you as our faculty in drawing.
Thank You
Your student
Shivani Singh
Dear Bishwajeet sir,
I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt appreciation for your un wavering support and motivation throughout my photography journey. Your constant encouragement and warm smile☺ have been instrumental in fueling my passion for Photography.
your positivity and enthusiasm are infectious, making every making every class a joy to attend your dedication and hardworking to teaching and genuine care for us are truly inspiring.
I am grateful to have you as my DDC Teacher, and I look forward to continuing to learn and grow under your guidance. Thank you for being a source of motivation and a beacon of positivity in my photography journey.
with sincere gratitude,
Hridya Krishna M.P.
Dear Bishwajeet Sir,
Thank your for sharing your knowledge with me. To make our drawing class so interesting. thank you. Your have explained every trick so well and correct it every time. It's not like you correctit correctly every time you have taught us many good techniques and different types of news things that help me always. You are very sweet and knowledgeable person. I appreciate your struggle that you done in you young stage that is very motivational things for me. I wish you could teach me in the next semester but I am in Textile design deportment, So Unfortunately it cannot happen..
Your student
Vanishes Gupta
I Like the way you teach us and helping us in Our drawing. Your nature is very humble and very Polite. And I am greatful to have a faculty like You.
To Bishwajeet kumar Sir,
Thank You for your kindness ur patience & warmth have made a profound impact on my learning experience. Your willingness to help each student individually sets U apart and truly makes, a difference in our growth as designer.
Thank You for not only teaching DDC. but also for being a role model. Your presence in the classroom her made my journey an design education truly memorable, I am truly fortunate to have U as my teacher.
With deepest appreciation.
Dear Віswajit sir,
I would like to take a moment to express my sincere appreciation for your dedication and support. Your Hacking style is both engaging and enjoyable, and I truly value the way you patiently explain concepts. Regardless of how many times we seek clarification.
I extend my heartfelt thanks for the time and assistance You provided me with computers related task, it proved to be exceptionally beneficial.
I wish you the very best of wealth and continued success.
Your faithfully
Sanghmitra kaithal.
Respected Bishwajeet sir,
I wanted to express. my deepest gratitude for your exceptional guidance in Improving my drawing skills. thanks to your expert advice, constructive, feedback, and unwavering patience, I have become a more confident and skilled artist. your dedication to my artistic development has been truly inspiring and I am excited to continue learning and growths under your mentorship.
With sincere appreciation.
Tanisha sasnal.
The influence of good teacher never can be erase.
Dear Bishwajeet sir,
In first class I am very worried about how can I understand this digital work and firstly I am very fear full to ask questions but sir you always help me and all the extra efforts that make to help us grow and understand better. Thank you so much sir I will always be gratefully to you and for your support and Kindness
With Kind Regards
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