रविवार, 25 सितंबर 2016

Water Colour Paintings. (जल रंग)

Water Colour Paintings

A picture that has been painted with water colours.

Definition of watercolor -

        Watercolor is a painting technique that utilizes pigments suspended in a water-based solution. This medium is known for its transparent and luminous qualities, allowing artists to create delicate and ethereal artworks. Watercolor art dates from Stone Age cave painting when early Paleolithic man first painted pictures of animals and humans in their caves using charcoal, ochre, and other natural pigments.

         It was discovered by Dhal Sail Bai of England in the 10th century. It was used by Dürer of Germany in the 15th century. It is a transparent color and the work is done from light to dark. While making paintings in watercolor, white and black colors are prohibited. We use a Sable brush in making watercolors. Its surface is paper and silk cloth.

        J. The Whatman Company of England manufactures Whatman paper which is the best for watercolours. Handmade paper in India is best for watercolors. Apart from this, rough Cartesian paper, sander paper, Fabiano paper, and Cannon paper are also used in watercolor paintings.

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